Emily HawesNov 23, 20232 min readFilm Studio Spotlight: Explore Black Hangar StudiosLocated within the serene landscapes of Hampshire, lies Black Hangar Studios, a charming film studios, an enticing destination for...
Emily HawesNov 15, 20232 min readEmbracing the Art of Analogue: A Glimpse into the History of FilmmakingThe film industry, an important part of our culture for over a century, has undergone remarkable transformations while maintaining its...
Emily HawesNov 8, 20232 min readBlack Hangar: A Film Studios Located Outside of LondonNestled in the picturesque countryside of Alton, Hampshire, just 45 minutes outside of the bustling city of London, lies a hidden gem for...
Emily HawesNov 7, 20232 min readEthan Hawke: Celebrating a Versatile Acting Career and a BirthdayTalented actor Ethan Hawke celebrated his birthday yesterday, and what better way to honour the occasion than by revisiting some of his...